Thursday, March 22, 2012

025 Did Gandhiji suffer in the hands of AyurvEdic physicians?

Gandhiji wrote to his son dEvadas Gandhi, on Jan. 1, 1945.
Source: Vol.85 of Collected Works of MahatmA Gandhi.

Having written my first letter to Rajaji I now write this to you. Do not at all worry on my account. I am paying for my sins. I had too much of Ayurveda and I suffered. And now I am slowly throwing off the poison. I have therefore grown very weak but I am watching the developments. Hook-worm and amoeba, my old enemies, won’t leave me.
All this is but flushing out the poison that I had taken. I do not know what other suffering is in store for me. I shall go on doing as God dictates. You should not worry. Ramdas[1] has come. And now Nimu[2] too.

1. Gandhiji and Swami Vivekananda has one thing in common. 'I am paying for my sins." Vivekananda called this "my karma".

2. Gandhiji: "I shall go on doing as God dictates."
Vivekananda had a habit of going by the dictates of "Mother".

3. Did somebody tell Gandhiji about the mercury, sulphur, lead, and other heavy metals used in Ayurvedic medicines? At least 75% of the AyurvEdic medicines are 'rasa' aushadhas i.e. mercury mixtures.

4. Gandhiji had come to a near conclusion that he had taken poison. Flushing out the poison!

5. Since Gandhiji wrote this letter in 1945, i.e. at the fag end of his life, I believe that he had not changed his opinion between 1945 and 1948.

What the Ayurvedic physicians have to say about this?

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